Tag Archives: rolex cake

Wristwatch Cake – Rolex!!


This is a gorgeous Rolex wristwatch cake I made for my husband’s birthday…He received a massive surprise and the expression on his face was priceless. I have been wanting to make a wristwatch cake since 5 years, but this was when I actually got the time and chance.


The sponge is a Lemon Cake. The filling inside the cake was Lemon White Chocolate Ganache. The outsides of the cake, under the fondant was Lemon Buttercream.

I was using two 8 inch round cakes. First I covered the cake board with black fondant. Then I estimated how big I wanted the dial to be, and cut one of the two cakes to the required size, and kept it to one side to be used later. Then taking the other cake, I cut it the same size as the dial, slightly bigger at the base and tapering as it went up as this was going to be used as the base. Then this base cake was filled with the lemon ganache, and crumb coated with the lemon buttercream.

Then I placed this on top of the prepared cake board. Then I rolled more black fondant much bigger than this cake base, so that I could create pleats when I put it on top of the base cake. You can see in this picture, the prepared cake board and cake base.


Then I put this to one side to harden up and turned my attention to the actual wristwatch.

I took the dial that I had cut earlier from the cake, and used leftover cake pieces to form the strap of the watch. The whole cake was filled with lemon ganache. Then finally when I had the required shape, I sealed it all in with lemon buttercream. I also sort of used lemon buttercream as a glue wherever I was putting together little cake pieces and kind of stuffing holes. Here is the crumb coated wristwatch.


Then I rolled some gold coloured fondant and covered this crumb coated cake. When the cake was firmly covered with fondant I lifted it with a large spatula and put on top of the prepared cake base. I had to put extra pieces of black fondant under the straps as the cake base was not large enough to be under the whole of the cake and it started drooping. Then rolled some more black fondant and create more pleats over the extra fondant bits, pushing the pleats under the watch strap.

I then took a round bowl as I didn’t have a round cutter as big as the dial. I just used this to mark where I wanted the dial to be. Then all the other markings on the dial and strap were done freehand using the fluting and veining tool. I just pressed into the fondant to create these markings. When I was happy with the markings, I painted over the cake with edible metallic gold paint and left it to dry for about an hour. The writing and Rolex symbol I did freehand using my edible black pen. I used black fondant for the other detailing.

Here is a closeup of the dial :


I even made the diamonds myself using sugar, so these are literally candy diamonds.

Here is a side view of the cake:
